Thursday, May 26

The day we got our punt on


Here's a trip down memory lane! Or a trip to Cambridge to be exact. When Craig and I arrived in London in May 2008, his best mate and missus took us on a road trip to Cambridge. Well, I was in my element! Markets twinkling with fairy lights, bunting fluttering in the breeze, toasty trays of gingerbread men, historical buildings, fields of long grass and....row boats! I had always wanted to punt down a river ala Bridget Jones and Daniel Clever! The four of us teetered into a boat and literally circled around the dock for ten minutes! We could not for the life of us paddle straight. Anyway, we finally got going and it was the best thing ever. Sorry about the grainy pics. I downloaded these off Facebook a while back. Can you believe I lost a ton of my Europe pics!? I accidentally wiped my SD card and lost the disc that the pics were saved on. I will NEVER do that again!