Tuesday, May 24

Beauty Giveaway!

Hello guys. Fancy a bash at winning these goodies? Sarah from the Body Bar has whipped up a box of homemade soap, body scrub and body lotion. How cute are the little black bows? I've been scrubbing up with the toffee soap and let me tell ya, it's delish! In addition to the sudsy goods, the folks at Rapid Lash are sponsoring a tube of lash lengthening serum. I'm usually a sceptic when it comes to these things but Rapid Lash won the Fairlady 2010 Beauty Award so it's gotta be good! Hopefully, it spells the end to my disastrous flirtation with false lashes. I'll let ya know how I get on with my tube. If you'd like more info on the Durban based Body Bar, you can find 'em on Facebook.


This giveaway is open to South African readers only.
Entering is a doddle!
Leave a comment telling me why you need some soap. 
Tell me anything you want.

The winner will be drawn at random a week from now. Good luck!

PS: Buds abroad and those with little tots. Got a cute giveaway coming up for you next week!