The bit about me

Hello! My name is Lauren and I love daisies, pancakes and taking pictures. I also love blogging and like to think of Glossary as my digital scrapbook. I started scribbling here in September 2009 after returning from a fun year in London. I now live in Durban on the East Coast of South Africa.
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A lot has changed during my blogging stint! I used to be married, then I lived on my own for three years and in November 2014, I moved into a little cottage with my boyfriend, Jon {also known as Tall One 'round here!} We stay in a leafy suburb called Winston Park.

I currently work as a fashion writer for a South African retail biz and before that, I worked in advertising as a copywriter. I used to blog more often back in the day but it seems time gets away from you, the older you get!

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A few of my favourite things: photography, vintage cameras, panda bears, rainy saturdays, soft blankets, fluffy lambs, 90's alternative, guitars (I like to twang mine now and then), puppies, airports, weird, old thrift stores, iced coffee, homemade stew, big cities, South Park, slippers, cheezer animal horrors, stationery, country road trips...oh, and Larry David is kind of my hero.

I love hearing from readers. If you would like to get in touch, please feel free to pop me an email or leave me a comment. You can also find me on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter!

PS: When I updated this page yesterday, I lost all the comments that were posted below. Bummer! But I've got them saved on Disqus so thanks to everyone who commented when I first scribbled this up. x