Thursday, May 26

A Thursday Evening

Cripes, look at us Durban girls - two events in one week! Tonight (or yesterday if you're reading this over a bowl of fruit loops), Nadia and I headed to Con Amore in La Lucia Mall for a bit of a bloggers' swaray, if you will. We arrived to find everyone swigging champers and noshing on a smorgasbord of macaroons, sushi and cupcakes - aka, crack for bloggers! It was great to put a few more faces to blogs (!) and meet the lovely Candice who works for Con Amore - which I kept pronouncing as Con Amore but which everyone kept correctly pronouncing, Con Amoray! For some reason, I feel ridic breaking out from a strong Durban accent into French annunciations! While walking around the store, I found lots of lovely things for my lovely dream home. In said home, I will read books about Paris while lounging about on Union Jack Pillows in fancy silver shoes. It's gonna be great. But enough rambling. Here are some pics if you'd like to take a gander. (Sorry about the crack quip mom.)


Pictured above are Lexi, Pippa, Nicola, Kathy, Nadia, and Candice and Dimi from Style Scoop.

EDIT: Just twigged Lexi's pic is not here. Stay tuned!