Wednesday, April 23

New desk cheer!

Word! I just wanted to show you guys a few cute things that are cheering up my desk. Most of it is thrifted and a few bits are from Typo. I printed the polaroids with 250 Gram and I'm in LOVE with them! These guys will print your instagrams for four Ronds a print so it's an affordable treatski. Oh, I also printed a book with Printstagram but I wasn't wild about the quality. The 250s are the way to go. Make your own book! Last but not least, the yellow bunnies were a gift from Candi. Jon is convinced I'm gonna contract some horrible disease from the phone but I'll disinfect that sucker! 
   photo IMG_7703-2.jpg photo IMG_7584.jpg photo IMG_7615.jpg photo IMG_7634.jpg photo IMG_7645.jpg photo IMG_7638.jpg photo 2-13.jpg photo IMG_7619.jpg photo IMG_7586.jpg photo 1-12.jpg photo IMG_7658.jpg photo IMG_7683.jpg photo IMG_7622.jpg photo IMG_7665.jpg photo IMG_7693.jpg