The other day, I received this lovely message from Christine, a fellow blogger on IFB. Isn't it wonderful to find a kindred soul across the seas? She lives in Canada and I live in South Africa. Thank you, Christine! I really do treasure all the comments and messages I receive via Glossary. We're all so busy in this crazy world so when someone takes the time to drop me a note, I'm always so touched. *Hugs*
Friday, April 30
Dirty Blonde
I'll always have a soft spot for Courtney Love. She had a really troubled childhood which alot of people don't know about. I think somebody just needs to give her a cup of tea and a good old bear hug. She's recruited bassist, Melissa auf Der Maur for the third Hole album called 'Nobody's Daughter,' although no sight of guitarist, Eric and drummer, Patty. I always find it a bit weird when bands keep their name when just about all the original members have been replaced. Anyway, news about the album reminded me of 'Dirty Blonde' - Courtney's autobiography/scrapbook. I bought it a couple of years ago and it really is an incredible body of letters, photos and scribbles. You can take a peek here. x

Thursday, April 29
Links à la Mode, April 29th
When Fashion Gets Ethical
Edited by RetrochickThe ethics of Fashion can be a blurry area. With so much to think about when we buy, from construction to provenance, how can we pick our way through such a minefield of issues and emerge with our ethics intact?
We all have a duty as consumers to be as informed as possible about the purchases we make, and this weeks Links à la Mode can help. Amongst this weeks picks Fashion in My Eyes talks about locally made fashion, Style Eyes discusses Organic Cotton, Hello Beauty buys some recycled sneakers, Oranges and Apples sorts the wheat from the chaff in second hand clothing and Shrimp Salad Circus brings you natural make up.
Once your done being educated we also have a good smattering of fashion frivolity to be getting on with too, and there’s even more on the original forum thread!
Links à la Mode : April 29
- Avant Garb – Dedicated Follower Fashion grills Sandra Mendoza-Daly of Debutante Clothing
- Betsey J – Why do we feel it’s necessary to financially compete with our fellow bloggers? Is it really worth it?
- Dramatis Personae – Interview with Indie Designer Ureshii– fabulous made-to-fit clothes for the modern gal!
- fashion in my eyes – Made in… Buying for the label
- Glossary – Fashion 101: Back to Basics
- hello beauty! – my new eco-sneakers, which are basically a jumble of hemp, recycled plastic bottles and car tires…
- House in Tillford – Fur isn’t fashion! My rantings about fur
- Idiosyncratic Style – Swoon-worthy Spring runway trends
- Independent Fashion Bloggers – How to Contribute Articles to a Blog or Magazine
- La Moda Dubai – Photoshop isn’t the only to manipulate a photo
- Le Quaintrelle – Outfits inspired by Michael Kors Resort 2010 collection with pieces out of my own closet.
- Mystery Creature – Look great for a sleek and sophisticated summer wedding with these 1930’s inspired wedding dresses
- Oranges and Apples – Taste and secondhand clothing: sorting the wheat from the chaff
- Out Of Order – Interview with Marisa of New Dress a Day
- Retro Chick – The Lost Art of Dressing Up
- Return to Sender – Little black dresses for the FATshionista.
- Ship-shape and Bristol Fashion – These days knock-off trends are common place but is cheap fashion still a taboo?
- Shoe A Day – How does fashion fit into Earth Day?
- Shrimp Salad Circus – Get high-fashion makeup looks for less with all-natural, afforadable handmade mineral versions!
- Style Eyes Fashion Blog – Organic clothing – should I bother?
- Style Symmetry – 5 Days of Symmetry Challenge ~ Wear a 100% Vintage Outfit
- The Coveted – Why Say Never? Chambray Jumpsuit & Clogs
Shoe Candy!
Wednesday, April 28
4 Years in Facebook Profile Pics
I've posted a shameful amount of profile pictures on Facebook over the years. (Below are just a handful.) It's not because I think of myself as a bit of alright. On the contrary. People are just forever tagging me in hideous photos and I feel I have to balance out the shockers with some vaguely decent self-shots where I don't look like I have three chins, a sticky-out ear and a lazy eye. When people take pictures of me, they usually go ‘oooh, let me take that again, you’re doing a weird eye thing’ when I am in fact attempting my best smile and head tilt combo (or my best impression of a poodle in a Yoda getup.) I CANNOT do head on's. Having gone through these chestnuts, two things have become clear to me. 1. I need to lose ten pounds tomorrow and 2. I must locate those novelty glasses. Ten ronds they were from Checkers. Oh, while I'm here, please can I ask you to vote in the poll on the right. You can choose multiple answers.Ta!
How to move to a new country without losing your mind!
Moving to a new country or city can be one the scariest and most exhilarating experiences of your life! The stress of it can also do your head in. In 2008, Craig and I moved to the UK for a year. While I was fortunate to have a husky man by my side, I have the utmost admiration for those who do it alone. Having survived and loved the experience, I thought I’d share some ‘big move’ tips with you!

Remember, you can do anything! Traveling can be tough but the rewards are immense. You might have to eat a lot of humble pie to begin with but you’ll gain invaluable life experience and return home, a tougher cookie! I’m sure most of the above goes without saying but I find checklists very calming amid a whirlwind of boxes and bubble wrap. I’d love to hear your moving tips and suggestions so please feel free to comment away!
- If your visa involves complicated paperwork, consult an expert who can advise you on the relevant steps to follow.
- Cancel your utilities, TV license, subscriptions and cell phone contract if needs be. Give your paper trail to someone responsible (your mum perhaps) who can help you out if a rouge bill arrives after you’ve left.
- Get covered with short-term health insurance for your trip. You don’t want to be smacked with a hefty medical bill after being smacked with the drinks trolley. That happens, right?
- Make photocopies of your passport, visa, ID & medical documents, bank statements and important telephone numbers. Keep the originals on you and stash the copies in your suitcase. If your handbag goes AWOL, you’ll have a back-up paper trail to identify yourself with.
- Get a passport holder. Not only will it prolong the life of your passport but also save you time rummaging around your handbag for the darn thing. A few years ago, I bought one that holds my passport, ID Book and boarding passes – brilliant!
- Take spare ID photos. They come in handy when setting up a whole new life.
- Keep your existing passwords somewhere safe. You may need to log in to your old bank account at some point and it’s easy to forget old passwords when you have to remember a whole bunch of new ones. Take it from the girl who forgot hers!
- These sort of things can be a nightmare to arrange, especially bank accounts. We consulted the Overseas Visitors Club to help us plan our move to the UK. For a smallish and totally worthwhile fee, they arranged our new SIM cards and meetings to apply for our N1 numbers, bank accounts and tax forms. They also introduced us to some helpful job magazines and newspapers.
- If you’d prefer to arrange this lot on your own, try to get handle on the relevant organisations and systems of the city you’re moving to before you go. There’s nothing worse than rocking up to a government office, only to learn that you need to book an appointment three weeks in advance with documents X,Y and Z.
- If you don’t have a pre-existing job offer, give yourself a head start and start applying for some online before you go.
- Make a list of recruitment agencies with their contact numbers before you go. If you can’t get online when you first arrive, at least you’ll have some numbers to hand.
- Print a wad of CVs before you go and keep them neat in a trusty folder. (Grief, I really do sound like Little Miss Organised. If only, I applied all this in real life :D)
- Don’t just email - ring recruitment agencies. Bomb that CV off everywhere and throw the net out wide!
- Friends can be your best PR. If you have some where you are going (lucky you) send them your CV and let them know what sort of work you’re after.
- CVs tend to differ in style from one country to another. Do some research to find out what’s best practice in the city you’re moving to.
- {I’m going to write a more in-depth post on job-hunting in a new country soon!}
- When choosing a suitcase, look for one that’s sturdy but lightweight. You don’t want the case itself using up the bulk of your baggage allowance – that’s for shoes!
- I can personally recommend suitcases with 4 wheels! What a pleasure rolling one of those bad boys around.
- Lock up those cases and remember where you stashed the keys! (I'm really talking to myself here. I'm forever losing those little guys.)
- For my first trip abroad, I thought it would be fun to get a bright pink suitcase ala Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde. As perky and pretty as it was, it garnered far too much unwanted attention and I felt like a right twot wheeling it through Heathrow.
- TRAVELING 101! TAKE A CARRY-ON CASE WITH WHEELS! I just about broke my back once carrying a giant hold-all. When I got home, I replaced it with a case that fits the ‘universal’ on-board cabin size. What a winner that thing is.
- What you choose to take with you totally depends on where you are going and how long you are going for. When it comes to furniture and big-ticket appliances, remember that doorways, room sizes, elevators and sockets vary from country to country. That Smeg may look awesome in your current flat but will it squeeze into your new London loft?
- If you’re crashing on a mate’s couch for the first month, you don’t want to be cluttering up their living room with loads of boxes. You can always send for your stuff once you’re in your own spot.
- It's the familiar, everyday stuff you miss the most when you’re away from home. Take along some photos of the things that are special to you. Pics of friends, family and pets are a must but why not take some pics of your old surroundings – your bedroom, garden, neighbourhood etc
- I really missed my dogs while away so I bought a soft, cuddly puppy toy from M & S! It sounds ridiculous but that little dog (Hamish is his name) was a great comfort to me.
- If you have space, take your favourite book, DVD and knick-knacks. Decorating your new spot with pieces from your old life will help you to feel at home.
- FYI for South Africans moving to the UK: I was blown away by how affordable homeware is in the UK. You can set yourself up for next to nothing with IKEA and the Sainsbury’s Basics range. Crazy Straws for 20p? Hello!
- GHD’s, hairdryers, cell phones and cameras…all very handy but only when you can charge and plug the darn things in.
- Pack all your chargers and adaptors! I took an ‘International Adaptor’ with me but that sucker failed to work in Paris or Amsterdam. Thank goodness the B&B’s had spares because without them, I would have roamed the streets looking like the wild woman of Borneo. Electrical stuff tends to be pricey but try to buy the best quality adaptor you can afford.
- Carry some 'home' currency for departure day. It’s quite astounding how much cash you can burn during two hours in an airport. Magazines, gum, headache pills and cappuccinos all become vital necessities!
- Carry some notes and coins of the country you're off to. Those traveler's debit cards and cheques won't be of much use when you need to use a pay phone or by a bus ticket on arrival.
- Save 10% more than you were planning to take with you. There are so many unforeseen costs that arise during a big move. Remember to save for a deposit as well as one month’s rent. We forgot and it meant we had to eat 60p peanut butter rolls for a week. Oh, the horrors;)
- Sometimes you land somewhere and for whatever reason, you decide immediately that it’s not for you. That’s ok, it happens.
- Other times, it’s tempting to return home because you can’t find a job you like, friends are scarce and the weather’s a blip. My advice would be to stick it out for at least a year. It takes about 6 months to find your feet and after that, the fun begins!
Remember, you can do anything! Traveling can be tough but the rewards are immense. You might have to eat a lot of humble pie to begin with but you’ll gain invaluable life experience and return home, a tougher cookie! I’m sure most of the above goes without saying but I find checklists very calming amid a whirlwind of boxes and bubble wrap. I’d love to hear your moving tips and suggestions so please feel free to comment away!
Tuesday, April 27
Fashion 101: Back To Basics
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your lovely compliments about my hair - I'm blown away by how sweet you all are! I'm extending my new-found love for simplicity to my wardrobe. For as long as I can remember, I've gravitated towards colour and prints. From blue enamel cups to Pollock paintings, my favourite things are always colourful. I was over the moon when my highschool art teacher said that my crazy colourful pieces cheered up a rather monotone exhibition. It was the equivalent of Simon Cowell saying to me, 'You didn't suck.' This love for colour, however, doesn't always bode well for dressing. My wardrobe is a complete mish mash of prints and there aren't enough basics to anchor the lot and create cohesive outfits. Thing is, I'm really struggling to find good quality basics in the shops at the moment. Just about everything I pick up is embellished in some shape or form. While I'm all for a ruffle here and a tassel there, it seems as if someone went to town with a Bedazzler in the mall. Now I know the word 'basics' is enough to make some fashionistas' hair stand on ends but if like me, you're still getting to grips with fashion, it might be an idea to go back to basics. I decided to make a list of all the items that my wardrobe could do with. Some of 'em I own already, some are on my must-save-for list and some will never suit me but I included them for the sake of you with the lovely legs! (Denim shorts, I wish we could be friends). I vow not buy another print or accessory until I have anchored all my exiting clothes with good quality basics. Of course, some girls prefer to wear dresses and others would never wear slops (come on Vicky B, you know you want to!) but if like me, you regularly a have mini-meltdown in front of your wardrobe, perhaps you fill find this list handy as well. We can always add the tartan and tie-die later! x

PS: Tomorrow, I'm posting a bumper piece about moving to a new country!
PS: Tomorrow, I'm posting a bumper piece about moving to a new country!
Monday, April 26
Q & A: Good Golly Miss Molly!
Melissa Allen is the talented Durban designer behind Miss Molly Fashions. I've been following her blog for a while now because she's one of the few South African bloggers who posts outfit pictures and I LOVE those! If you've ever wandered about starting your own fashion line, get nice and comfy as Melissa tells us her story.

Hello Melissa! How are you today?
Hey babe, I am doing splendid... thank you!! Currently packing my bags as i'm off to Barcelona this afternoon for a high summer trending trip!
How awesome! Tell us more about this glamorous life of yours. What did you study and is Miss Molly Fashions a full time venture for you?
Well.. I only studied fashion design for one year but started working in the industry at a young age and worked my way up the ladder. (Still working my way up the ladder.) I actually work full time as a clothing merchandiser and Miss Molly Fashions is my part time passion! I love my job as a merchandiser but the creative flair is sometimes limited .. that's where Miss Molly comes in, as it is my label so I can create what I want without any limitations.
When and how did you go about setting up your business?
I have always dreamt about owning a store but when I was offered my job as a merchandiser I knew that it would be difficult to do both, so I thought - why not open up an online store. So that's what I have done and I haven't looked back since. Miss Molly Fashions was officially born in Jan 2009. I started off with a very small range and have slowly grown the little business into something I am really proud of! There is a lot in store for the brand in the near future and i am really excited about it!
Sounds super! What inspired the name, Miss Molly?
My father nick named me Molly from a young age, I love this name so i really wanted it to be a part of the brand!.. My boyfriend suggested Miss Molly - and thats where it came from !
How would you describe your personal style these days and what were you wearing ten years ago?
I don't think I have a specific style, I always dress to whatever mood i'm in! 10 years ago you would of seen me in a old pair of straight leg Levi jeans (with a D.i.Y bleach wash), a white tee, a cardi and a pair of sneakers.
How did little Melissa dress? Were you playing dress up as a young lass?
Oh Little Melissa loved to play dress up! Lucky for me, my granny travelled all over the world and literally had a treasure chest full of clothes shoes and accessories from overseas. My cousin and I would spend hours at her house playing dress up and putting on mini fashion shows for our parents.
Cute! Is there any trend or piece of clothing you regret wearing? Any humdingers you'd rather forget, hehe?!
Platform spice girl shoes were massive when I was in Junior school.. I would have to say that these are something I regret ever being proud of owning!! YUK!
Who are your style inspirations?
I love Agyness Deyn, Andy Torres from Style Scrapbook, Sienna Miller and Alexa Chung
If you could own any designer piece (if you don't already!) what would you choose?
Right now I am loving the bird print satin MIU MIU platforms! WOW
Yes, those are lovely! What tips would you give to someone wanting to start their own fashion line?
Be prepared to work really hard! You will have to endure many a sleepless night, stay inspired and up to date on trends! - the internet is an amazing source of inspiration from blogs, to clothing and magazine websites! Most importantly you need to remember to stay motivated, focussed and always keep your goals in mind. You will get the days when you just want to give up but those are the days that separate the people that make it and the people that don't. Be the person that makes it, because the rewards are amazing :) If you can, try get yourself The Teen Vogue Hand book - it's a great book that features career advice tips from the greatest fashion designers, stylists, photographers, etc

Tell us what you love most about fashion.
I love to dress up and make a statement! I get so excited when i walk into my fav stores. I love finding that perfect item where at a first glance I already know where I am wearing it to and what I am wearing it with. At the risk of sounding cheesy - I really do believe that one should treat every day as if it were an occasion when it comes to dressing up.
What are your thoughts on South African style?
I personally feel that South Africans in general are afraid to take risks when it comes to fashion and dressing up but there are still tons of stylish, fashion forward boys and girls in our country - take a look at for instance. Come on guys, throw away your golfers, cargo's and crocs!
Where do you see the Miss Molly brand in five years time? What are your hopes and dreams?
I hope to open a store in at least 5 years and my dream is for Miss Molly Fashions to grace the runways at Paris Fashion week!
Where and how can we buy Miss Molly Fashions?
You can shop our online blog store: All you have to do is browse the garments and mail thru the style reference that you are interested in to we do plan on stocking a store in Durban soon but i will be sure to fill you in on the details.
Please tell us your top 5 clothing stores, designers, cities and blogs.
If you'd like to be featured on Glossary, simply drop me an email here. And, if you're a Miss Molly fan, please feel free to say hi in a comment. x
Hello Melissa! How are you today?
Hey babe, I am doing splendid... thank you!! Currently packing my bags as i'm off to Barcelona this afternoon for a high summer trending trip!
How awesome! Tell us more about this glamorous life of yours. What did you study and is Miss Molly Fashions a full time venture for you?
Well.. I only studied fashion design for one year but started working in the industry at a young age and worked my way up the ladder. (Still working my way up the ladder.) I actually work full time as a clothing merchandiser and Miss Molly Fashions is my part time passion! I love my job as a merchandiser but the creative flair is sometimes limited .. that's where Miss Molly comes in, as it is my label so I can create what I want without any limitations.
When and how did you go about setting up your business?
I have always dreamt about owning a store but when I was offered my job as a merchandiser I knew that it would be difficult to do both, so I thought - why not open up an online store. So that's what I have done and I haven't looked back since. Miss Molly Fashions was officially born in Jan 2009. I started off with a very small range and have slowly grown the little business into something I am really proud of! There is a lot in store for the brand in the near future and i am really excited about it!
Sounds super! What inspired the name, Miss Molly?
My father nick named me Molly from a young age, I love this name so i really wanted it to be a part of the brand!.. My boyfriend suggested Miss Molly - and thats where it came from !
How would you describe your personal style these days and what were you wearing ten years ago?
I don't think I have a specific style, I always dress to whatever mood i'm in! 10 years ago you would of seen me in a old pair of straight leg Levi jeans (with a D.i.Y bleach wash), a white tee, a cardi and a pair of sneakers.
How did little Melissa dress? Were you playing dress up as a young lass?
Oh Little Melissa loved to play dress up! Lucky for me, my granny travelled all over the world and literally had a treasure chest full of clothes shoes and accessories from overseas. My cousin and I would spend hours at her house playing dress up and putting on mini fashion shows for our parents.
Cute! Is there any trend or piece of clothing you regret wearing? Any humdingers you'd rather forget, hehe?!
Platform spice girl shoes were massive when I was in Junior school.. I would have to say that these are something I regret ever being proud of owning!! YUK!
Who are your style inspirations?
I love Agyness Deyn, Andy Torres from Style Scrapbook, Sienna Miller and Alexa Chung
If you could own any designer piece (if you don't already!) what would you choose?
Right now I am loving the bird print satin MIU MIU platforms! WOW
Yes, those are lovely! What tips would you give to someone wanting to start their own fashion line?
Be prepared to work really hard! You will have to endure many a sleepless night, stay inspired and up to date on trends! - the internet is an amazing source of inspiration from blogs, to clothing and magazine websites! Most importantly you need to remember to stay motivated, focussed and always keep your goals in mind. You will get the days when you just want to give up but those are the days that separate the people that make it and the people that don't. Be the person that makes it, because the rewards are amazing :) If you can, try get yourself The Teen Vogue Hand book - it's a great book that features career advice tips from the greatest fashion designers, stylists, photographers, etc
Tell us what you love most about fashion.
I love to dress up and make a statement! I get so excited when i walk into my fav stores. I love finding that perfect item where at a first glance I already know where I am wearing it to and what I am wearing it with. At the risk of sounding cheesy - I really do believe that one should treat every day as if it were an occasion when it comes to dressing up.
What are your thoughts on South African style?
I personally feel that South Africans in general are afraid to take risks when it comes to fashion and dressing up but there are still tons of stylish, fashion forward boys and girls in our country - take a look at for instance. Come on guys, throw away your golfers, cargo's and crocs!
Where do you see the Miss Molly brand in five years time? What are your hopes and dreams?
I hope to open a store in at least 5 years and my dream is for Miss Molly Fashions to grace the runways at Paris Fashion week!
Where and how can we buy Miss Molly Fashions?
You can shop our online blog store: All you have to do is browse the garments and mail thru the style reference that you are interested in to we do plan on stocking a store in Durban soon but i will be sure to fill you in on the details.
Please tell us your top 5 clothing stores, designers, cities and blogs.
- Topshop, Zara, H&M, River Island and Pull and Bear
- Christophe Decarnin, Diane Von Furstenberg, Marc Jacobs, Alexander Wang and Miuccia Prada
- Hong Kong, London, Cape Town, Durban and Barcelona
- , , , and
If you'd like to be featured on Glossary, simply drop me an email here. And, if you're a Miss Molly fan, please feel free to say hi in a comment. x
Sunday, April 25
Yesterday I was blonde but today I am brunette!
This is my new hairstyle! It was time for a change so I did a complete 180. I've been a redhead, a blonde, a blonde with pink and purple streaks (yeeeshhhkk) but now I am a brunette. I've worn my hair natural too which is a kind of mousy brown but I think this is the first time, I've dyed it a full on chocolate.
It was certainly an experience being platinum blonde! I felt the most 'me' for sure. It perked me up in the morning and just felt fun and freeing! The problem was, it was just so far from my natural colour that it only looked decent for the first 2 - 3 weeks and by week 6, I was starting to resemble Courtney Love circa '93. Now when this new colour fades and my roots grow out, it won't look too bad. Also, it'll be a lot gentler on the piggy bank!
When my hairdresser handed me the colour swatch book I immediately lept at the purples, oranges and pinks but I managed to refrain myself and opted for the most natural of them all. A pure brown without any gold, ash or red undertones. It feels nice to go back to simplicity although it's still a bit of a shock when I catch a glimpse in the mirror! I think I'll write another post about hair colours and what being that blonde was like. If you've ever toyed with the idea of going super light but haven't yet, I fully encourage you to go for it! The wonderful thing about hair is that you can always dye it back or grow it out! I hope you like:)
Saturday, April 24
A new look for the blog and me!
I dyed my hair today! This is what it looked like before. I'll show you some pics of the new do tomorrow. I've also updated the look of the blog. I hope you like it! I wanted to organise the content a bit better so I added a third column. Let me know what you think. I'm also curious to know what you'd like to see more of on Glossary. What type of posts do you enjoy the most? I use this blog as my digital scrapbook so I'll always post my inspirations and thoughts on things but I'd love to know if there's anything you'd like me to cover in particular. On Monday, I'm chatting to local designer, Melissa of Miss Molly Fashions and on Wednesday, I'm posting a thumper piece called 'How to move to a new country without losing your mind!' Or something along those lines. Thanks for all the comments, follows and visits, I really appreciate 'em:) So, can you guess what colour I dyed my hair? x

Friday, April 23
How to do a 'mail to' link
The other day, someone asked me how to do what is called a 'Mail To' link.
For example: Email me here or email
When you click the bits in pink, your email program will automatically launch a new email with my email address in the 'To' box. Nifty, huh?
'Mail To' links are great because they save your readers time having to search for your email addy and then having to copy and paste it into a new email. Also, if you want to make it easy for people to email you but you'd rather not publish your full email address, the 'email here' option is a great solution.
If you also want to know how to create a 'Mail To' link, I'll tell ya!
(I'm not familiar with Wordpress so I'll tell you what I do using Blogger.)
For blog posts: Use EDIT HTML mode
For side bar: Use an HTML/Javascript gadget
Insert this code:
<a href="mailto:youremailaddress">here</a>
You can replace 'here' with your actual email address if you prefer.
It's as easy as that! You may not want to give readers the option of contacting you by email but if privacy is a concern, you can always create a separate email account just for your blog. Personally, I'm grateful when blogs have an easy to find email option because comment forms can be buggy on occasion and sometimes I prefer to ask a question privately. Of course, it's up to you to do whatever works for you!
If there's anything else you'd like to ask me about how I did something on this blog, please feel free to fire away in a comment! I'm no code cruncher but I'll do my best to lend a hand.
Wednesday, April 21
Music & Lyrics
So much for my blogging break, eh. I should be unplugging but everytime I hear or see something I like, I want to blog it. I always imagined that if I were to write about anything, (aside from work stuff) it would be music. That was my bag, long before handbags and shoes were. I've played guitar since I was 13, twanged for a couple of garage bands and contributed some dodgy riffs to the odd choir album. When I was younger, I wanted more than anything to write for Kerrang magazine. Ha. Somehow, I've ended up punting 'two for the price of one' curry deals. Well, among other things.
My taste in music isn't particularly edgy or cool. These days, I usually have no idea what the hipsters are referencing. I'm a grunge girl through and through although I do have a penchant for cheesy metal. My only pop album, Britney Spears' 'Greatest Hits' is sandwiched between this lot but I could make room for Gagaloo and that Cheryl Cole.
I'm sure we all feel this way but I really do have a record for every year. Tonight, I'm listening to the Arctic Monkeys (circa London '08) and was just reminded of one my favourite lyrics. Sooo...I thought I'd blog those and some other faves. These aren't necessarily my ultimate faves, my mind is too hazy right now to remember 'em all. And yes, I googled these below:)
Last night what we talked about,
It made so much sense,
But now the haze has ascended,
It don't make no sense anymore"
Arctic Monkeys, From Ritz To The Rubble
A cloud hangs over this city by the sea,
I watch the ships pass and wonder if she might be,
Out there and sober as a well for loneliness,
Please do persist girl its time we met and made, a mess
Incubus, Anna Molly
How I wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me.
It's like a book elegantly bound but,
in a language that you can't read.
Death Cab For Cuties, I Will Possess Your Heart
she shakes and she moves me or something
she's like jellyroll like sculpture
i was wearing eyeliner
she was wearing eyeliner
it was so good down here
saving for my scrapbook here
way down down down in this subbacultcha
Pixies, Subbacultcha
Someone falls to pieces
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
She finally drifts away
Someone gets excited
In a chapel yard
And catches a bouquet
Another lays a dozen
White roses on a grave
Audioslave, Be Yourself
And the sky was made of amethyst
And all the stars were just like little fish
Violet, Hole
I love music. When you can't find the words, you can always play a song.
(Especially when you don't know how to tell someone 'they're like jellyroll, like sculpture.' What the flip is Jellyroll, Black Francis?)
My taste in music isn't particularly edgy or cool. These days, I usually have no idea what the hipsters are referencing. I'm a grunge girl through and through although I do have a penchant for cheesy metal. My only pop album, Britney Spears' 'Greatest Hits' is sandwiched between this lot but I could make room for Gagaloo and that Cheryl Cole.
I'm sure we all feel this way but I really do have a record for every year. Tonight, I'm listening to the Arctic Monkeys (circa London '08) and was just reminded of one my favourite lyrics. Sooo...I thought I'd blog those and some other faves. These aren't necessarily my ultimate faves, my mind is too hazy right now to remember 'em all. And yes, I googled these below:)
Last night what we talked about,
It made so much sense,
But now the haze has ascended,
It don't make no sense anymore"
Arctic Monkeys, From Ritz To The Rubble
A cloud hangs over this city by the sea,
I watch the ships pass and wonder if she might be,
Out there and sober as a well for loneliness,
Please do persist girl its time we met and made, a mess
Incubus, Anna Molly
How I wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me.
It's like a book elegantly bound but,
in a language that you can't read.
Death Cab For Cuties, I Will Possess Your Heart
she shakes and she moves me or something
she's like jellyroll like sculpture
i was wearing eyeliner
she was wearing eyeliner
it was so good down here
saving for my scrapbook here
way down down down in this subbacultcha
Pixies, Subbacultcha
Someone falls to pieces
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
She finally drifts away
Someone gets excited
In a chapel yard
And catches a bouquet
Another lays a dozen
White roses on a grave
Audioslave, Be Yourself
And the sky was made of amethyst
And all the stars were just like little fish
Violet, Hole
I love music. When you can't find the words, you can always play a song.
(Especially when you don't know how to tell someone 'they're like jellyroll, like sculpture.' What the flip is Jellyroll, Black Francis?)
Blush in a box!
I want to tell you about this blush I’ve fallen in love with! It’s called Dandelion and it's by Benefit. I’ve bought Benefit cosmetics as gifts for people but until a few weeks ago, I’d never treated myself to any. I got this blush before my mom gave me the Benefit Cheek Tint (thanks again ma!) so now I switch between the two.
Dandelion makes me smile every morning and not just because I have to dust the apples of my cheeks. As you lift the lid off the box, you get a delicious whiff of scented blush! Inside you’ll find a little pink brush to sweep some on. It’s probably a touch too light for my skin although it’s perfect for a natural, springtime look. I think the idea of ‘blush in a box’ is genius because you waste less product and there’s far less chance of breakage. I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve dropped and shattered a palette of blush. Maddening, that is. Now, I want to know what your favourite blush is. Tell!

Dandelion makes me smile every morning and not just because I have to dust the apples of my cheeks. As you lift the lid off the box, you get a delicious whiff of scented blush! Inside you’ll find a little pink brush to sweep some on. It’s probably a touch too light for my skin although it’s perfect for a natural, springtime look. I think the idea of ‘blush in a box’ is genius because you waste less product and there’s far less chance of breakage. I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve dropped and shattered a palette of blush. Maddening, that is. Now, I want to know what your favourite blush is. Tell!
Monday, April 19
Dressing up with Retro Chick!
Gemma Seager is the lovely lady behind Retro Chick, one of Blighty's most popular fashion blogs. Just this Sunday, she was featured in the Sunday Times and today, the Daily Mail. I managed to steal this busy bee away for a couple of minutes to chat to her about about blogging and achieving the Retro Look. Pour yourself a post-work cuppa and enjoy!
Hello Gemma, how are you today?
I'm fine and dandy actually. How are you?
Very well, thanks:) Congratulations on your 2 year bloggaversary! What or who inspired you to start blogging?
Do you know, I really can't remember now! I started off with an eBay shop selling vintage and pre owned clothing, and blogging grew out of that. I can't remember what was the final motivator to start it though as I didn't read a lot of blogs at all at the time!
Please can you paint us a picture of the space where you blog from! Is it a couch, a desk, under the covers!?
I have a cream and dark wood papsan chair, from the sadly now defunct shop the Pier. I sit in that with a little laptop table and often some trashy TV!
Nice! Love a bit of trashy telly. What have been the highlights of your blogging experience so far?
The first time I was invited to anything because of my blogging was back in Feb 2009 when Global Cool invited me to a Swishing Event, that was exciting. The first time I got Press approval for London Fashion Week was also a massive highlight!
category/define-your-personal- style/ I think it's about learning what your ideal style is, by taking in as much information as possible and really looking at what attracts you. Then you need to fit that in with the realities of your life and body shape.
And the best piece of advice someone's given you?
There's no point worrying about the future as all you'll do is ruin the present.
Thanks so much Gemma! It was lovely chatting to you.
You can visit Gemma, aka Retro Chick over here!
Hello Gemma, how are you today?
I'm fine and dandy actually. How are you?
Very well, thanks:) Congratulations on your 2 year bloggaversary! What or who inspired you to start blogging?
Do you know, I really can't remember now! I started off with an eBay shop selling vintage and pre owned clothing, and blogging grew out of that. I can't remember what was the final motivator to start it though as I didn't read a lot of blogs at all at the time!
How did you feel typing your first post many months ago?
Kind of confused! I didn't have anything specific to say, and I hadn't done any of those professional blogger things like "choosing a niche". I was just rambling, and thought probably no one would ever read it!Please can you paint us a picture of the space where you blog from! Is it a couch, a desk, under the covers!?
I have a cream and dark wood papsan chair, from the sadly now defunct shop the Pier. I sit in that with a little laptop table and often some trashy TV!
Nice! Love a bit of trashy telly. What have been the highlights of your blogging experience so far?
The first time I was invited to anything because of my blogging was back in Feb 2009 when Global Cool invited me to a Swishing Event, that was exciting. The first time I got Press approval for London Fashion Week was also a massive highlight!
I bet! Is there anything you wish you'd done differently?
Not really, I think the blog has just evolved. There are things I've learned that I would probably put into place earlier if I were to start again, but I'm happy with the way I did it!You're a lover of all things retro. How did your personal style develop? Was it gradual or did you just fall in love with the retro look one day?
It's kind of a bit of both. As a child I was obsessed with Enid Blyton, then when I was slightly older I was obsessed with WWII home front stuff. My Mum always said I was born in the wrong decade and I've also always been interested in fashion, so my style just evolved from all the influences I took in and my interests!How would you suggest someone go about developing their personal style?
I actually wrote a whole series on this at the beginning of the year are the key pieces to achieving the retro look?
I think mostly it's about the hair! Doing something interesting with your hair can make the simplest outfit a little bit different, I have a couple of You Tube videos with some fairly simple hair styles. Accessories are also key. Things like scarves, bracelets or a string of pearls can immediately change your look.Which is your favourite era in fashion and why?
I love the 1940s. Both the US Hollwood Glamour, and the simplistic styles of wartime Britain. There's an elegance, but also a practicality about it and I love that people made an effort to dress properly every day. I also have a soft spot for 1950s styles with full skirts and wiggle dresses.Who are your biggest style inspirations?
So many! I love elegant women who aren't afraid to experiment with fashion. Victoria Beckham, Dita Von Teese and Audrey Hepburn, to name but a few!Hurrah for 'Posh!' If I had only 50 quid to spend in the UK, where would you send me?
That much!? If you come to visit me in Norwich I'd take you to the Treasure Chest on Magdalen Street to hunt for vintage bargains.Sounds fun! You've got an hour to kill on Oxford Street and only 10 quid on you. How do you spend it?
I'd buy a tube ticket to go anywhere but Oxford Street! Or maybe I'd just walk round to Baker Street and go to the Sherlock Holmes Museum, I've never been.Haha! Agreed, Baker Street is lovely. What do you find you wear most days? Any go-to outfits?
In winter I have a black jersey dress that's my go to outfit. With a variety of different scarves and belts I can change it's look whenever I want. In Summer I have little cotton slip dresses that I tend to just fling on with pumps.Do you ever have 'I look and feel rubbish' days and if so, how do you deal with em?
I do, and I make an extra effort! A bit of red lipstick goes a long way if you're feeling rubbish. Wearing huge sunglasses also not only hides a multitude of sins but makes you feel a bit glam!What suggestions would you make to someone starting a blog?
Don't give up just because no one is reading. Make sure you have a stats programme like Google Analytics or Stat Counter installed and subscribe to ProBlogger for the best tips!What is your biggest dream?
I'd like to own a proper bricks and mortar shop one day. I'd like to continue to sell vintage and pre owned clothing, but also vintage repro and accessories.And the best piece of advice someone's given you?
There's no point worrying about the future as all you'll do is ruin the present.
Thanks so much Gemma! It was lovely chatting to you.
You can visit Gemma, aka Retro Chick over here!
Saturday, April 17
A little note
Hello, me again. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be blogging as much as usual over the next few weeks. I don't have 'blogger burn out' or anything of that sort, just got alot of stuff coming up that I need to focus on. I'll still post my interview with Retro Chick as soon as I can. Please feel free to rummage through the arhives in the meantime if you wish:) For now, I'll leave you with two photographs. The first is of the bag Nikki kindly donated to me and the second is a little candy heart brooch that my highschool art teacher made. Take care and keep well:) Me x