Yesterday, the parentals swung round with chocolates, copies of Grazia, roses and rose-tinted make up! I've always wanted to try
Benefit's cheek stain and now I have my very own bottle. Thanks mom! You simply apply a few dots to the apples of your cheeks, blend in and viola! The trick is to do it as quickly as possible as it is a stain afterall. It gives you a fantastic flush which would look super on dewy cheeks. My skin is a little porous so next time, I'll use a spot of primer before applying it. South African girls can find it at
Woolworths (our version of M&S) and I believe it's one of the products they're most proud to stock. I hope you like. x

PS: Next Monday, I'll have a new blogger interview for you! I thought I'd give the bloggers a break over the Easter weekend. x
Wow - how lucky. Something special going on or just pressies for fun and being lovely? Also wanted to try it for a while you might have inspired me to take the plunge. Lovely. x
Very spoilt! They were Easter prezzies. We don't have a tradition of exchanging high-end cosmetics so this was a lovely surprise! haha
Thanks for reviewing that item and showing pictures - I've been meaning to try this product for years but was always too scared I'd be left with bright red circles on my cheeks! But the effect looks subtle! I might get some now... X
Plesh! Yeah, it's much more subtle than I thought it would be but I like that too. I was worried no one would be able to tell the difference in the before and after pics. Heh. x
i love it - use it too - make sure to use something to apply it or you'll be walking around with a pink finger all day!
love how you photographed it :) i used to use this but it doesn't have enough of a colour for my pale skin. i then found a version by nars but they discontinued it & have recently found a cheap drugstore version!
Your blog is beautiful!
Love bows :)
oooh.. i have to go check this stuff out!
thanks for the tip hun, hope you had a fab Easter
Looks lovely on you. Don't think we have Benefit here in Sweden, at least not from what I've seen. But I use the good ol' method, dab your finger on a lipstick and then pat it on you wonders :)
Great blog post thanks for sharing.
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