Friends, hello! I am so happy to share this amazing custom illy that Che Indie Berries did for me! It's a pic of Tall One and I with a bewildered goat between us! I was recently scrolling through a bunch of custom illustrations, and thinking, "Ah, I would love one for us!" but I wanted something a bit mad yet personal yet mad! Che knows the tale of Tall One and I as we've had some mental skyping sessions and I've loved her blog for ages…so I was beyond thrilled when she said she'd happily scribble summin'. I gave her a very loose brief (how wrong that sounds) and she replied with the perfect pic! She offered to tweak bits and pieces but I said "NO, I LOVE IT AS IT IS!" I wanted her first imaginative take on us :) My only comment would be that our height ratio is more extreme in real life! I just love the goat's priceless expression…and the little pink cheeks she gave me and Jon's Third Eye Blind top. I also love how my hair looks a bit jagged and crazy 'cuz it always does in real life! Che, thank you so much. This guy is already framed on my desk at home. I LOVE it to bits! I have lots teed up for Gloss this week (including a seriously overdue post for Jennakins) so stay tuned.