Tuesday, November 6

Candi D & Laurs: Besties for a year!

Candi D and I have been friends for a year! I met her on a Tuesday night in November last year. I went to a braai at her boyfriend's house - my first braai of the summer! It had been a stonking hot day, unlike the mental rainy weather we're having now. I was the only girl at the braai and it was awkward and awesome. Then Candi arrived! She walked right up to me and said, "I love your dress, it's Miss Money Penny, hey!?" I replied, "Yeah! Can I pour you some champagne?" (I don't usually take champagne to braais! Lols. It was leftover from my birthday.) She said "no thanks" and I thought she had said "yes" so she looked at me like I was mad when I gave her a glass of champers. We then played this crazy quiz game and I thought Cands was hilarious. You must imagine my surprise when I discovered she lives in the same block as Nadia! The second time I saw Cands, we had a little roof party and told our life stories to each other in the space of an hour. We've been besties ever since! One of my favourite memories with Cands is from when we went camping. On the Saturday, we lay in the sun, reading magazines and it was all I had wanted to do for so long. I remember saying to her, "I'm so damn happy. This trip rocks." Ha. Of course we also share a penchant for naughty owls. And here's a cute Skype convo from after we met each other...

Candi: *mushy moment alert*
Lauren: yes?
Candi: i am so glad to have met you girl!
Candi: you are a GEM
Lauren: ahhhh u too girl