Friday, January 20

Twenty things I’m grateful for today

An oldie but happy pic of me in Cambridge.
  1. This morning I awoke from a 12 hour sleep. 7 till 7 people! 7 till 7. Feel somewhat reborn today!
  2. I fell asleep to the sounds of trees rustling outside my little flat.
  3. Since, November, I've been living in a road I’ve always wanted to live in.
  4. I always said, if I ever lived there, I would walk the tree-lined streets of the neighbourhood and now I get to do that and it’s awesome.
  5. I'm blessed to work with a wonderful group of creative people who are not only exceptionally talented but down-to-earth as well.
  6. We’re moving our agency to new premises and I cannot wait to dig in with the decorating!
  7. My friends and I are turning 30 this year and I hope this means the gals abroad come to visit and throw some beeeeg parties.
  8. Winter is coming (Ok, it’s about 4 months away) but I’m amped!
  9. So far, I've stuck to all the resolutions I could stick to! Been walking, been more punctual, been eating better, spent more time outdoors and have thrown myself happily into work.
  10. BBM and Whatsapp has changed my life. I love being able to hear from my friends at all hours of the day. And I'm very grateful for Tammy’s calls from Oz and Bridget’s ‘Cartman’ impersonation sound clips from the BVIs!
  11. Every morning, I wake up to the gentle sounds of kids being dropped off at the church playschool next door and their little morning chatterings make me smile.
  12. I had always hoped I’d make it to New York by the time I was 30 but due to living a zillion miles away on a copywriter’s salary, it looks more likely that I’ll be lucky to make it to Cape Town. None the less, I’m psyched!
  13. Nadia and I have some exciting freelance projects planned. It’s just a matter of finding the precious time to do ‘em. Yoh, wouldn’t we all love more time.
  14. I’m grateful for my blog readers! I feel like such a one-sided blogger these days but you guys still check in on me and I really appreciate it.
  15. In 2011, I was reminded that people are truly awesome. My friends and family have played such an important role in my life over the past year and I love ‘em to bits.
  16. There is a cranberry Brutal Fruit waiting in my fridge. Ha.
  17.  I learnt to make a bad-ass Thai curry this year and it was epic.
  18. There are always people walking their dogs around my block. I am getting to know them quite well. Particularly fond of the brother and sister Jack Russel pair!
  19. I hauled out my electric guitar! Just gotta find some loot for an amp but I'm keen to start twanging again.
  20. My sweet mother re-strung my classical guitar. What a dahl.

And that’s my little list of happiness. How is 2012 treating you guys? Very well indeed I hope.