Monday, June 6

Dinner and a show!

You know how cute couples go to carnivals for first dates in American movies? That's pretty much the stuff of my dreams. I LOVE funfairs and all their trimmings! Thing is, they hardly ever come to Durbs and when they do, they're kinda random. But, a magical travelling show called Madame Zingara has come to town! The troupe hails from Cape Town and the tent in which they perform is draped in plush purple velvet with stained glass windows around the top. It's one of twenty ever made! A bunch of us from work huddled into a booth and Captain Jack Sparrow served us a scrumptious four course meal! In between bites, people in sparkly getups swung from the ceiling and threw each other around on rollerskates. It was amazing! And wonderful to see so many people dressed up in feathers, sequins and suspenders. We weren't allowed to snap pics of the show itself but here are a couple of the setting. Lots of underwear on washing lines which I was rather taken with!
