Translation ♥ I had a look at Glossary's web stats and it appears that after South Africa, the majority of you who drop by daily are from Sweden! I am totally delighted by this as half my family descends from Sweden. We might even be related! I love reading your blogs, you all look so charming with bows in your hair and boots on your feet. I desperately want to visit Stockholm and walk your snow-covered streets. Perhaps one day, we will meet in person. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Lots of love, Lauren x
Photo by Sandra Beijer
how did you find the Stats?
I read an article about that and was interested in it, but I threw the article away during one of my manic spring clean sessions!
ps. Sweden is on my list of places to go :) it looks heavenly!
Hi JoJo, I use Statcounter. It's nice and easy to navigate:) Was that the Fair Lady article by any chance?
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it was in the Fair Lady!
thanks for reminding me where i read it - i seem to buy loads of mags at one time and read through them all and am left bored by the middle of the month...
Hehe. My mom saved a copy for me, it was cool to see an article about blogging. Also some great articles about work stuff in that issue. :)
What a stunning image.
I've been to Sweden a couple times. A dear friend of mine studies in Stockholm and it's such a lovely city. I plan on going there in Spring.
Your blog is very lovely.
I'm an Italian mutt who married a Swede. You would think my dark genes would dominate right? Nope. Our bambino has blond curls and blue eyes! I would love for our fam to visit Sweden. That photo is beautiful!
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