Flags and dresses everywhere.

Three of the lads of Thomas Krane. So brilliant and sweet they are.

Taneal's hair was pinned all pretty.

A fine ceiling of umbrellas. Nikki says you can get these at Everlast. Yes!

Taneal and I toasted the holidays with pink drinks.

Nikki's little Hunter celebrated with some milk.

Then we took the kiddies outside. Nikki was wearing a fantastic coat. A mere 40 zars it was from the Hospice. Good job lady.

Hunter was rocking some seriously cool loafers.

Then it was time for Kaylen to have a swing in the park.

And take more photos.

Then the rain started to fall again so we all went home. I think it has rained more here in the past 2 months than it did for an entire year in London.

I bought a few lovelies from the Market.

Notecards from Cupcake Couture, gift tags from Lisa and Jo, a VW from Danka and a corsage from Mini Me. All in all a fine start to the holidays!
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