I just adore Anthea of
Embracing Style and I'm sure many South African blog readers do too! She's just the loveliest person and dead stylish to boot. Anthea kindly took the time to tell me a bit more about herself and I thoroughly enjoyed reading her answers - especially the one including an amazing Cape Town 'to-visit' list! Thanks Anthea, I want to go to CT NOW! Quezzies after the pics...

Hello Anthea, how are you today?
Hi Lauren, I am very well thanks and yourself?
Very good, thanks. You used to post outfit pics on Weardrobe and in June you started your own blog called Embracing Style. What inspired you to start blogging?
At some point, I can't exactly remember when, I decided that in order to be truly happy you need to be doing as much of what you love as possible. It was mostly because of reading lots of Paulo Coehlo, who rocks my world by the way! I had some free time in front of a PC and then decided to Google "Fashion" as I have always had a passion for clothing. After some browsing I stumbled on the world of fashion blogging. I became very fascinated with this accessible medium where anyone could express themselve. I decided that this would be a great way to combine two things I love, fashion and technology. So, in the time that I was posting on Weardrobe I was busy coding up my blog and thinking about what I actually want to blog about.
You say that you're a 'self-confessed nerd who loves to dress.' Tell us about the nerd bit first! What's your day job?
Hehe, I was thinking that I never really spoke about that "nerd" thing on my blog. I work as a software developer. It basically means that I write code in programming languages in order to create programmes or websites. I enjoy programming and problem solving and many other nerdy things I prefer not to bore you about. I guess that could classify me as a nerd! The thing I love most of about programming is that it is that it enables the technology we use to enrich our lives. I like to think that the code I write is helping to make someone's life a bit easier or perhaps enriching it. Ideally I would like to combine the nerdy coder part of myself with the part that loves fashion and style. So, that's part of the reason why I started the blog and would like to do something in these lines in my day job. Perhaps working on a fashion website or on software that can be used in the industry would do the trick. I'm still trying to figure that part out!
Not nerdy at all, quite brilliant in fact! Alright, on to dressing! Have you always been passionate about style and fashion? If not, please tell us what sparked your interest.
My very stylish aunt, Louise, who is only five years older than me sparked my interest in style and fashion. I remember when I was 10 and getting dressed for a school civvies day. My aunt looked at me and told me that I can't run around in pink shorts forever! She decided to dress me and do my hair. I ended up with a head full of curls, a denim shirt, tights and clogs! Isn’t it funny how these are back in fashion now? I don't know exactly what it was about that day, but ever since then I have had a very keen interest in dressing. It's like she just woke up that part of me. Thanks Louise!
How would you describe your personal style?
I could never put myself in a box and say I have certain type of style because I don't. I said before that I dress according to mood. I wake up in the morning and then try my very best to wear what I feel like wearing. I noticed over the years that my style has changed a lot. I think it changes when the circumstances in your life do. I browsed my blog and noticed that right now my style seems girly with a bit of an edge. I love dresses right now and edgy shoes even though I don't often find them!
What's your favourite go-to outfit?
At the moment it is a dress and combat boots. This is what I feel the most comfortable in.
Best wardrobe buy so far in 2010?
It has to be my Aldo combat boots that a friend kindly brought back from the US. They are so comfy and I feel that they add to that edgy thing I spoke about earlier.

What items will we never see you wearing?
Paisley! I always say that I'd never wear it.
Where can we find you shopping on a Saturday morning?
I try to mix it up and I am constantly surfing the net for new shopping spots. But on Saturday mornings I like to go to factory shops since that's the only time I can visit them. They are cheaper and sometimes they have items that don't make it to stores so chances are that there are not many floating around! I found some of my favourite items in factory shops.
How are you enjoying blogging?
Very much so far! I think the best thing about it is finding like-minded individuals. In everyday life it might not be easy to find someone who loves a specific thing as much as you do. Blogging is like an awesome shortcut for this. Also, I love that I have a space to speak about fashion-related things where people might actually be interested. My friends have already told me on several occasions that all that comes out of my mouth is clothes, clothes, clothes. I am less likely to irritate them now.

Tell us about Cape Town! If I had one day to visit, how would you suggest I spend it?
From what I think I know about you Lauren, I suggest that you make that day a Saturday! You can start by going to the Old Biscuit Mill. I know you would enjoy the food, shops and taking pics of the interesting people and everything else.
From there I'd say take a drive to Kalk Bay and don't forget to look at the pretty sights while you're on your way. Kalk Bay is one of my favourite places in Cape Town. It just has an amazing relaxing vibe and there are so many interesting things to do. You love vintage treasures so I think you’d enjoy all the antique shops. There are also lovely coffee shops which you could try out. Also the beach and harbour is right there if you feel like doing the tourist thing. I could just imagine the beautiful pics you’d take in Kalk Bay.
I can see that you're quite the music lover so you could spend the night at The Assembly or Zula Bar in town to check out some live acts. You then might as well walk down Long Street and experience some of that famous night life.
Wow. Utterly amazing and helpful! I am printing this out for when I do visit CT. Thank you so much for writing such a personalized reply! Well, to conclude then, what would you say is the best thing about living in South Africa? The weather and the people!
Isn't she a gem? You can
follow Anthea's blog here if you're not already doing so. Please feel free to leave Anthea a comment below. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.