Step 1
Find out what the width of your post area is. You will find this in your blog’s HTML under 'main-wrapper width' Mine is 540 pixels.
Step 2
Resize your photos to the width of your post area. You can do this with various photo-editing programs from Photoscape to Photoshop. I resize mine to 540 pixels wide.
Step 3
Create an account on a photo-hosting provider. I use Photobucket.
Step 4
Upload your photos to Photobucket. Photobucket will then give you FOUR lines of code per photo – you're after the line of code called HTML CODE.
Step 5
Copy the HTML CODE of your pic and paste it into the window where you write your posts in Blogger. Make sure you’re in ‘EDIT HTML’ mode as opposed to ‘Compose’ mode.
Step 6
Click Preview and Submit and Voila! Your images should fit the width of your blog!
I hope this was of help to someone reading this! If you need me to clarify any bits, please feel free to ask me in a comment. Blog on friends!