Thursday, March 1

A few of my fave pics - Part 1 of a Zillion

Ah guys, sorry for flaking out on the giveaway. I decided to rather spend the evening with my bestie, colouring in with her daughter and eating spaghetti. I just have not had a chance to take any pictures except for work stuff lately so instead, I thought I'd blog some of my fave pics. As you can see, they're very much point-in-shoot happy snaps - the best kind, really. I'm really keen to get a point-and-shoot again - I lost the UK charger for my little Kodak. It was so nice to look at these again, I'll def have to do this as a series. x

If I was told I could only ever keep one pic of myself, this would be it because I'm cracking up in some dive pub in London and erm, covering my teeth which has always been a self-conscious tick of mine.
Noshing ice-cream with my bestie, Nikki and my God-Daughter, Kaylynn. This was a great day. All of us girls were back together in Durban and we had gone out for an epic lunch together.
Cath and I on our way to Burn! This pic is so us. Cath is the bestie I had spaghetti with last night. 
My boss and I - lols. We're in fits of laughter every day.
The day Cath came to our old flat and vacummed it clean before Craig and I headed off to London. She saved my life that day. And erm, yes, that's a giant banner for my old band - guerilla home marketing!
Hamming it up in London at a gig. We all think we're HILARIOUS after tequila.
MilkyLane is my life. HATED that short hair.
Bridget's 80's party - best dress up ever!
Clubbing in London for my 26th birthday. Hello snake bite!
Picnicking at Nikki's sons 1st birthday party. Look at little Hunter! So cute.
Was a very happy panda this night. Tammy was up from OZ and we went on this random bender down Florida Road.
Bridget's engagement party. I had straw hair. Ha.
My other bestie, Lauren. We are two peas in a pod, this girl and I. Wish she would start a blog!

Yoh, I have a hundred million other pictures which make me so happy. Glad I started this blog! Gonna look back one day and be dead chuffed I was such a camera nut! x

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