A few weeks ago, I emailed some of my blogger pals and asked them if they’d kindly share five ‘Feel-Better’ tips. I also asked them to share a photo of themselves that makes them smile. Reading their tips certainly made me smile and I’m so pleased to feature these ladies here. I hope you enjoy this little series. x
Sandra / Niotillfem
Long-time readers will know that I have been a fan of Sandra’s forever! We have spoken via email a few times and she is as lovely on email as she is on her blog. I sort of live vicariously through Sandra and I hope she never stops blogging!
Sandra’s five ‘feel-better’ tips:
1.Sweet liquorice
2.Spaghetti with cream sauce
4.Johnny Cash
5.Calling my boyfriend and mom

Harriet / Where is Harriet
Harriet has been such a loyal reader and friend to me on Gloss. Her blog is as delightful as she is and her outfit pictures are the cutest ever! I imagine that if we ever met, we’d be chatting away like long-time pals in no time.
Harriet’s five ‘fee’-better’ tips:
1.Look at pictures of baby animals on the internet
2.Watch the West Wing in bed
3.Drink a cup of tea in the bath (a hot bath solves everything)
4.Put on my makeup and my favourite party clothes, even if I'm not going anywhere. When in doubt, wear a tiara.
5.Tidy up. I'm a firm believer in the phrase Tidy House Tidy Mind. I find a good sort out very therapeutic!

Kaelah / Little Chief Honeybee
Little Chief Honeybee is another blog I’ve been reading forever. Kaelah has such a positive outlook on life and her blog is always a blast of inspiration. She recently started a mobile thrift shop with her fiancĂ©, Mike and they have the cutest pair of English Bulldogs.
1. Clean the whole house (top to bottom!) while listening to my favorite records.
2. Take my bulldog babies to the puppy park to play for an hour
3. Curl my hair and put on my most favorite dress
4. Hop on my bike and cruise around my neighbourhood
5. Watch a Felicity marathon

Paula / Pink Bow
Two words come to mind when I think of Paula – Class Act. She is also a total sweetheart and her photography is amazing. She was one of the bloggers who really inspired me to start taking more pictures.
1.Wearing a favourite special item of clothing or accessory that always makes me feel nice
2.Saturday afternoon lunch or tea that turns into early evening cocktails
3.Painting my nails, something pretty to look down to
4.Listening to a favourite record
5.Spending time with a loved one
More to follow soon...x