I didn't take any pics at the Bloggers' get-together as we mostly stood around feeling quite shy and awkward - ha. I did however, take about one million pictures of Nadia, Pippa and Bevan afterwards! Bevan is Pippa's boyf and he is absolutely hilarious! And crafty - he sewed all his bootlegs into skinnies and made this awesome DIY tee. He's also gonna be sourcing second-hand and vintage menswear for the Thrift Collection so that's nice news for blokes. Pics of the ladies coming soon!
Monday, February 28
Sunday, February 27
Mad Men!

I know I'm late to the world-wide fandom of Mad Men but I am now officially on board! Craig hooked us up with Season One and we are tearing through it! Gosh, it's such a feast for the retinas. I love all the beehives and red lips etc, but it's a bit more depressing than I thought it would be. Kinda like a 60's version of Desperate Housewives. Although, I just watched that hilarious scene where Don and the white-haired bloke have to walk up 23 stories of stairs when the elevators are out. I won't say anymore incase some of you haven't seen it yet. And my word, the smoking, the drinking - it really was madness back then! Part of me wants to rock up to work on Monday with a beehive do, a bottle of Voddies under my arm and a pack of ciggies in my pocket just for the lolz! (I will not be doing that. I repeat, I will not be doing that! ) I'd also never realised how inferior woman were treated back in the day - I would have flipped my lid me thinks! It's also given me a new appreciation for my job as a copywriter. It's crazy to think how little choice woman had back in the day. But it has however made me realise that it wouldn't kill me to make a few more roast dinners and be a bit tidier!
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Posted in: Look and Listen
Posted in: Look and Listen
Saturday, February 26
A stylish Saturday with Clara

I know I've been blogging like a fiend lately but my inspiration folder is overflowing with images! I hope you don't mind while I pin up some more pretties. Clara's blog is one of my faves because her lifestyle is so refreshingly different. She lives in the Swedish countryside with her husband and they recently had a baby boy. I've been visiting her blog daily for updates. I love her because she's a twenty-something, vintage-loving Christian girl that isn't afraid to speak her mind on everything from fashion week to reading on the toilet ('one of life's greatest pleasures' - ha!) You can find her here. x
All these gorgeous pics are Clara's. There's a zillion more to peruse on her blog!
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Posted in: Bloggers
Posted in: Bloggers
Friday, February 25
Pin Board
Pinterest - I'm finally getting into it! These are a couple of goodies I've pinned of late. Love the Lolita LP! You can 'follow' me there if you like. And, in a fun spot of news, Diana, Angie, Lana and myself are in the March issue of Fair Lady, talking about things to do in the cities we live in. I think I landed up there thanks to you guys! A while ago Fair Lady asked their Twitter followers which South African blogs were their faves and a bunch of peeps said Glossary which warmed the cockels of my heart. No idea what a cockel is but mine was suitably warmed. This is sounding dodgy so let me end with a big thanks to you guys for giving Gloss a plug and being such a sweet supportive bunch. x

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Posted in: Blog Stuff
Posted in: Blog Stuff
Thursday, February 24
She and Him

It's our anniversary. We're celebrating with chicken noodle soup (she me), a cheeseburger (him) and a creepy ballerina policeman is gonna serenade us. Not really, I'm totally having a burger too. Ha.
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Posted in: Life & Stuff
Posted in: Life & Stuff
Wednesday, February 23
Durban bloggers' Coffee & Cake sesh!
We're hanging out on Saturday. All bloggers and readers welcome! Bring your boyf, your cat, your mum. I'm sure us gals will be juggling cameras and cupcakes! Thanks to Candice for the poster. x
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Posted in: Out and About
Posted in: Out and About
Tuesday, February 22
Dear Choc Chip, I miss you

Dear Choc Chip. Remember this day? We had just arrived in Camden and I thought I'd died and gone to grungy market heaven. (Look at those hideous sunnies I'm wearing!) Then we asked a bunch of punks if we could have our pic taken with them and they wanted to charge us a quid! Then we went to a bar and a freaky tramp stole your bag. That wasn't cool but staying with you in London was awesome. Even though we're a zillion miles apart, we'll always be besties. Luv Lemon Cream
My friend Tammy lives Down Under. I miss that gal and all my friends abroad.
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Posted in: Life & Stuff
Posted in: Life & Stuff
Monday, February 21
Baby Diana
Howdy guys, hope you're well? I'm still feeling rotten - ridonculous, eh? Anyway, I thought I'd show you this cute Diana pin I bought from Nadia. Ain't it just the sweetest? I am itching it to use my new Diana Dreamer but I first need to get my mits on some slide film. Well, that's all from me today. x
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Posted in: Photography, Things I like
Posted in: Photography, Things I like
Saturday, February 19
A Beautiful Mess
I've spent yesterday and today under the covers and surrounded by strepsils and throat sprays. Turns out I have tonsilitus - the kiddie's sickness! My mom asked me if I had any magazines to read and I replied, 'I have blogs. Lots of blogs to read,' - when I'm not sleeping of course (had 12 hours worth of zzzz's last night!) Anyhow, today, I stumbled across a pretty famous American blog which you're probably already following. If not, please meet 'A Beautiful Mess.' Elsie's blog is SO wonderful, I just had to share it with you right away. Together with her sister and friends, she owns a magical shop called Red Velvet which is packed to the hilt with treasures and trinkets. It's just the sort of place I dream about owning. The shop tags even feature old photographs! I can't imagine a better way to spend your days than among friends, vintage cameras and freshly baked cupcakes! Here are some snaps from her blog and shop lookbook. My heart just flutters drinking them all in!
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Posted in: Bloggers, Photography, Things I like
Posted in: Bloggers, Photography, Things I like
Thursday, February 17
Links to Love
Thank you for the get-well wishes and scrummy comments this week friends. I look forward to replying with a cuppa tea by my bedside this weekend. In the meantime, here are some links to a few blogs and posts I've enjoyed of late: Mike and Kaelah's camera collection ♥ Hello Monkeyface (hilarious and adorable!) ♥ Lulapalooza (so sweet) ♥ Scrambled Notes (my friend Simone has started blogging about her adventures in Durbs. She is pure sunshine.) ♥ Miss Molly's Basement Diaries - Mel is crazy stylish and one of the nicest people I know. The cute pic of Kaelah is by Mike. x
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Posted in: Blog Stuff
Posted in: Blog Stuff
Mary Poppins
I am a right old grumpy guts today. Got a case of the dreaded man-flu. I tend to get sick about once a year and when I do, it is an oscar-worthy performance of dramatic huffing and sighing. Afterwards, I'm bullet-proof for the next 300 days. But less whining, more...dang, nothing positive ryhmes with 'whining.' This is one of the LPs I bought at the SPCA. It's 'songs from the motion picture' with the story pages inside. I can't believe it only cost one South African rond. Or 100 cents if you will. I also got the Ghostbusters and Dirty Dancing LPs! Random retro party anyone? Strepsils will be served.
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Posted in: Things I like
Posted in: Things I like
Wednesday, February 16
(Belated) Wellies
Does anyone remember that Corsa lite ad where those two crazy critters referred to Valentines Day as Wellingtons Day? No? I wouldn't blame ya, it was pretty random. But ever since then, Craig and I have called it Wellingtons Day. About two weeks before Wellies, Craig was like 'Please can you stop buying all the Wellies at Woolies, there'll be nothing left for me to get you!' Every time I saw a heart-shaped something, I had to buy it - I am a stickler for cute packaging. Ha, no surprise there! But the lovely lad still managed to surprise me with candy and a scrummy dins. I got him guitar strings and a bottle 'o Jack - blokes are so easy to shop for. Here's a lesser spotted couple shot of us - pure co-incidence that he's wearing a Jack tee - probably another of my 'super creative' gifts!

Please excuse the bits of Velvaglow in my hair and my gostly palour.
Believe it or not, I do live in scorching Africa.
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Posted in: Life & Stuff
Posted in: Life & Stuff
Tuesday, February 15
My Diana Dreamer!
Pippa swung by with a basket of goodies from London! Inside, was this ice-cream coloured Diana Dreamer - I love it so much! I had been thinking about getting a Lomography camera for about two years but I just couldn't make up mind as to which one I wanted. I happened to hop on the Urban Outfitters website where I saw this one and it was love at first sight! It cost half of what I'd pay locally so when Pip asked if I'd like anything from London, I knew just the thing. I gave her some loot and she came back with some gems. Thank you Pippa, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you buying this for me and bringing it back from so far. The candy-stripe cushion is from the SPCA. x

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Posted in: Photography, Things I like
Posted in: Photography, Things I like
Monday, February 14
Home taping is killing music
Don't you just love that! Back in the day, LP's were stamped with the warning below. Oh my, how piracy has evolved! We scooped this gem among many more at the SPCA this weekend. They were having some mad Valentines specials - 50% off almost everything! I got a camera for R5 (although I paid R10 because I felt like I was stealing for R5) and Craig got a Beatles LP for R1. That's right, I just wrote one South African Rond. We also saw Sarah below who looked adorable in her red dress. I'll show you the rest of our bargalicious haul later this week. Oh - Happy Wellingtons Day!

PS: Haven't forgotten to blog more about the birds. Will take some pics to show you their progress soon. And they do have a lovely mum who warms and feeds 'em. This is actually her second set of babies this year! I've become obsessed with pigeons - expect a Pigeon Tumblr soon! I kid.
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Posted in: Out and About
Posted in: Out and About