Wednesday, February 16

(Belated) Wellies

Does anyone remember that Corsa lite ad where those two crazy critters referred to Valentines Day as Wellingtons Day? No? I wouldn't blame ya, it was pretty random. But ever since then, Craig and I have called it Wellingtons Day. About two weeks before Wellies, Craig was like 'Please can you stop buying all the Wellies at Woolies, there'll be nothing left for me to get you!' Every time I saw a heart-shaped something, I had to buy it - I am a stickler for cute packaging. Ha, no surprise there! But the lovely lad still managed to surprise me with candy and a scrummy dins. I got him guitar strings and a bottle 'o Jack - blokes are so easy to shop for. Here's a lesser spotted couple shot of us - pure co-incidence that he's wearing a Jack tee - probably another of my 'super creative' gifts!


Please excuse the bits of Velvaglow in my hair and my gostly palour. 
Believe it or not, I do live in scorching Africa.