Cheesy title! So last Thursday, Cath, myself and our other halves went to watch the House or the geriatric Kiwi's as my boss likes to call 'em! (Some of you may have been subjected to our maniacal tweets.) Both Cath and I are huge House fans and we have alot of special memories to their music. Before we even knew each other, we would both play the House in our best and worst times. One day when I was living in London, I collected a prezzie that Cath sent me across the seas. I attempted to surreptitiously open it on the train and as I tore off the wrapping, a million stars burst out the package onto everyone's feet! Inside was a 'Best Of' House mix by Cath and I was so chuffed! Anyway, when we got to the concert we summised that we were pretty much the youngest there by about two generations - 'twas a sea of 'mom jeans' and Pringle sweaters! Thus, we did what all obnoxious 'youths' do - purchase random flashing spiderman glasses. Then we wandered into the auditoriam and saw that everyone was seated - LAME! We were not up for that so when the House came on, we ran to the front and everyone joined in! It was epic! (Going wild with the exclas here) Then the craziest thing happened - Neil Finn saw our glasses and was like, 'Is that a South African World Cup thing?' We were like, 'Nope, just some random Spiderman merch!' Lols! Then he and the bassist asked to borrow our glasses for a song and it was hilarious. Cath and I basicially fell down dead with excitement. It was so awesome and to top it off, I also got a guitar pick and a shirt from Cath - thanks friend! Shew, are any of you also House fans? Did you catch 'em in SA?