Halloween, eh! It kinda snuck up on me this year. Did you dress up or opt for pj's and scary movies instead? Us South Africans don't really celebrate Halloween with the same gusto as the Brits and Americans do but I'm personally in favour of more commerical madness. On Friday, we partied at Unit 11 or 'The Unit' as I've taken to calling it. It's pretty much the only club in Durbs where you can have an indie razzle these days. Plus there's free popcorn - bonus! My first outfit idea was to chuck some red food colouring down a chiffon dress I'd accidentally singed with the iron but the result was far too disturbing for my (and I'm sure anyone else's) liking! In the end, I erm, dribbled some colouring down a polka dot top (told you I would bust out spots over stripes) for a bit of a zombie doll look. What did you guys do? Score any epic treats? Is the whole thing a bit freaky for your liking or do you go full tilt? I'm not so into the devilish looks myself but I'll take any chance to dress up!