I have three pretty pieces from Genevieve Motley's range of jewellery to giveaway - a piece each for three winners.
Entering is dead easy: Simply leave a comment telling me which is your fave piece. Choose from the Fat Robbin Brooch, Heart Earings and Engraved Ring. This giveaway is only open to South African readers because I'm currently too skint to post overseas! (Cheers Cape Town! You have too many nice things.) To qualify, you need to be following Glossary with the Google Friend Connect gizmo on the side of the blog. If you have a Google or Twitter account, you can follow. If you're not already following, just click that bad boy and voila, you now are! You get an extra entry for following Gen's blog too. There are loads more pretty goodies on her blog!
The three winners will be chosen at random next week Wednesday.
To those of you abroad, I promise there will be more giveaways coming up for you soon! All this giveaway madness is in the spirit of Glossary's first birthday which is coming up later this month - huzzah!