Friday, June 11

Today, we kick off the FIFA World Cup!

Hurrah! Hurrah! Today is officially kick-off day! Durban is electric! Everyone is tooting their cars, waving flags and going off their rockers. I feel compelled to get in the car and drive around tooting like a right nutter. I can't kick a ball for toffee but I am beyond excited to welcome the world to play in our beautiful country over the next month or so. There is such a great vibe here at the moment, I feel truly proud to be a South African. If you are visiting from abroad, I wish you a wonderful stay filled with fun, laughter and sunny skies. This is what Johannesburg looked like on Wednesday! You can check out some more great pics on the Boston Globe. I'd also like to extend a warm welcome to those of you who have popped over from This is South Africa. I was honoured to contribute some photos and info about our country to this cool German site. Party one, everyone! *PAAARRRRP!*

Image courtesy of Michael Steele/Getty Images.

"When I get older, I will be stronger, they'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag."
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