Hello friends. Today feels like the first proper wintery day in Durbs! I am typing this bundled up in a sweater, scarf and jacket! It's quite nice for a change. Also, today has been quite an interesting one because, apparently, the morning news presenters suggested the whole country trumpet their Vuvuzela's (plastic, trumpet thingy's) at midday in support of our South African soccer team. So it's been Vuvuz, cars hooting and people partying in the street for a good part of the day! It's all rather festive and for all my longing to be skipping about in Europe, I am super chuffed to be in South Africa right now. Last night, I started on the latest Adrian Mole book. I won't give away any spoilers except to say it's the saddest one in the series. But it's also a brilliant and important read, I think. Sue Townsend is a genius. I am totally emo'd out having read a fair bit already so I decided to photograph something pretty to perk myself up. This polka-dot parcel is off to my
Package Project bud, Kerry. We're a little late in sending off our goodies but better late than never, right? Kerry is a second year fashion-design student and you can check out
her blog here.
Thanks for the outfit love in my post below - I'm glad to see Disqus seems to be working out ok. If you find my blog is loading too slow, please pop me an email (or a comment!) and I'll do my best to speed things up. That said, there is only so much we can do in Africa, hehe. Alright friends, have a great day and chat soon. x