I love Michelle Williams' style. She makes walking around New York with a latte in one hand a kid on the hip look like the coolest thing in the world. I've always felt a bit of an affinity with her ever since she played the angsty Jen in Dawson's Creek. Crumbs, remember those dramas? Have you seen her in Shutter Island? What a movie, eh! Freaky stuff. The other night, I rewatched the Dark Knight and felt so sad all over again about Heath's passing and the effect it must have had on Michelle and Mathilde. Anyways, I won't dwell on that. Instead, we'll high five the Williams girls and see how to get Michelle's look. I wander if celebs ever google themselves and think, 'Whatever, I would never wear that!' Apologies if I'm way off the mark Michelle. As if she would read this blog!

I sourced these items on Polyvore. We have: Black Wayfarers by Rayban from
my-wardrobe.com, straw trilby from
debenhams.com, cotton tote from
creaturesofcomfort.us, Flex Icon skinny jeans from
net-a-porter.com, Old Navy Converse from
allmylifeforsale.com, bird necklace from
asos.com, leather belt from
farfetch.com and silk organza blouse from
youheshe.com All that linkage was tough-going, I'm going to rest my fingers now:)