Hello everyone! I am in a super mood today because I won the
Miss Molly Fashions giveaway on
Being Brazen's blog! Winning stuff is just the best feeling, it's as if the universe has thrown you a bone or a skirt in this case. Not that I eat bones. Ridiculous ramblings. Anyway. Thanks Molly, thanks Brazen, I am chuffed to bits. Speaking of fashiony things, below are some goodies from my mom's sewing collection. I have always loved rummaging around in her sewing stuff even though I can't sew for toffee. I don't know why I had such a disdain for home-ec in highschool. I scraped a pass with this hideous bottle-green corduroy satchel that I made. The green glitter buttons were the pièce de résistance. I have since decided that sewing is in fact, super cool and I would quite like to do some myself one day. My mom has this relic of a Singer and I'm a bit scared of learning on it. One day, I will get one of those Elna jobs. Back to the sewing stuff, well, it had been an age since I had a dig through all the goodies and when I saw these anchor buttons I freaked out Martha Stewart style. We're going to use those bad girls to customize a skirt mom's making for me. It's going to be a simple A-Line affair because I cannot find any in the shops. Although I do have a new tulip one from Miss Molly which rocks! If the A-Line skirt works out, I'll post the pattern or send you in the direction of the store we bought it from. If it doesn't, I'll go on the Beyonce cayenne pepper and honey diet and see if I can get back in my old school uniform skirt. Right, I am starting to babble more nonsense so let me shut up and show you some pictures!