If you aren't already following her fantastic blog, let me introduce you to Mademoiselle Robot. Her Facebook 'fan page' popped up in my newsfeed the other day and I was so intrigued by her name, I immediately clicked on the link to her blog. Wow. Wow. Wow. It is an absolute treasure chest of fashion tips, tricks and inspiration.
The lady behind this lovely corner on the web is Laëtitia Wajnapel, a Parisian journalist now living in London with her daughter and Monsieur Robot. She started blogging about street fashion in 2007 and today, the blog is her full-time job with 150 000 unique vistitors a month. The Telegraph dubbed her one of Britain's best fashion bloggers and it's plain to see why. Her archives are filled with gems like this '...don't bother spending all your hard earned cash on the Chanel Jade... I know it is all trendy and shit at the moment, but still. If you want mint green, just get good old Barry M. It lasts for about 150 years (no joke) and the colour is really nice and bright.' Ha!
So grab yourself a cuppa and make yourself comfy as we chat style with Mademoiselle Robot!
In, South Africa, or Durban at least, our weather is generally warm all year round and our summers are scorching. What are your ten must-have items for summer?
♥ I actually wrote a few posts about that since it is something that occupies a lot of my thoughts, despite the crappy weather we get here... So here goes:
- high waisted denim shorts
- vintage cheesecloth blouse
- stripey tee-shirt
- tapered lightweight chinos
- denim jacket
- wooden platforms (to be worn with cute socks on chillier nights)
- brown leather gladiators
- a pair of wayfarers
- big flowers to put in my hair
- straw boater
You’re jetting off somewhere fabulous. What do you wear on the plane?
♥ I travel quite often back and forth between Paris (my home town) and London (where I live). I generally take the train there, but my travelling rules are the same: don't be sloppy. I like to feel glamourous when I travel as I have this very old-fashioned view of travelling, that comes directly from my watching way too many Hollywood classics when I was younger. My outfit of choice is high waisted tapered chinos with either a cute blouse or a really lightweight tee-shirt, a cashmere cardigan in my bag in case it gets cold on the plane, a denim jacket and some cute flats. Also, I never travel without a giant handbag where I keep my laptop, camera and a beauty emergency kit with Laura Mercier's Lip Silk, some Eve Lom magic cream, my make up and a hairbrush for a little touch up before landing!
How would you suggest a first-time visitor spend their one and only day in Paris?
♥ I think the best way to enjoy Paris the first time is to have a good wander around, walk along the Seine, soak up the atmosphere and sit at a café to watch people. Paris lends itself very well to farniente and a slower, more contemplative life. Of course there are some wonderful museums and touristic sites, but you can't do it all in one day. That's actually my general attitude when I go visit cities. First I walk around, taking it all in, then I start visiting places / going shopping etc.
What are the five key pieces that every girl should have in her wardrobe?
♥ Aaaah. I think it mainly comes down to everyone's lifestyle, but I suppose I can try and give you some clues!
- great jeans
- denim jacket
- leather jacket
- party dress
- cashmere cardigan
That's pretty boring, right? Basics are super boring, but to me they are what differentiates a great wardrobe from a good wardrobe. If you have the right basics, you will always have something stylish to wear. My advice is also not to hesitate to spend more on basic pieces and less on more frivolous ones.
If you could style anyone in the world, who would you choose and why?
♥ Without any hesitation I'd say my mum because even though she is a very stylish lady, I would love to see her experimenting with different styles. She is absolutely stunning and would suit anything so that would be super fun!
What are your tips for making a blog great?
♥ I get asked that question quite often actually, not in interviews, but by email :) There isn't really a magical way to create a good blog, nor is there a recipe. I think it is all about finding your voice, finding what you like writing about and most of all not obsessing too much about being read or not. A blog is a personal outlet above all, and losing sight of this is what causes a lot of bloggers to crash and burn I think.
I've got 50 quid to spend on the UK high street. Where do you suggest I spend it?
♥ In a vintage shop of course! I always make a point of visiting vintage shops when I travel because fashions were very different from country to country in the past, so you can always make some very interesting discoveries... Also, £50 will get you much further in a vintage shop than on the high street these days :)
Who is your favourite designer and why?
♥ Luella, sadly (as she no longer trades). I like that her designs are both preppy and whimsical, girly without ever being sickly. I own quite a lot of Luella pieces now and they are also extremely wearable day to day, which is what makes a great designer in my books. I am not really one for experimental stuff. I can appreciate the craft and the look, but to wear, it just isn't me. I take cute over edgy any day!
You bump into Kate Moss in a bathroom at a club. What do you say or do?!
♥ Probably nothing as I don't know her and I don't talk to strangers... I also don't really get star struck so I probably wouldn't really care.
(I'd probably be horribly uncool in comparison to you, Laëtitia. Poor Kate would have another gawker on her hands. Tsk Tsk.)
Have you ever traveled to Africa? If so, please can you tell us a a bit about your experience? If not, do you fancy visiting us some time?
♥ I have never traveled to Africa. Well I have been to North Africa (Tunisia mostly) because I have some family there, but that's about as far south as I went. I would love to go one day! There are so many places in the world I want to see, I sometimes wake up and think of the size of the world and of all the things I am yet to see and it makes me slightly dizzy. So yes, Africa, one day, hopefully!
Visit Mademoiselle Robot here!

makes me wanna travel to paris, hit london vintage shops, redo my whole wardrobe and go pick some bright flowers.;)
@ MR : La vie parisienne est incroyablement rapide et l'air de Paris si doux, mieux vaut laisser couler. J'aime toujours tes avis tranchés.
J'attends tes nouveaux billets avec impatience.
@Glossary Clap clap. Thanks for the interview.
Great interview! Love Laetitia's style! Her beauty tips have come in handy more than a few times!
Lovely interview. Thanks for the introduction to such a lovely blog. I'll be following from now on for sure.
Ditto dinkum. <3 it.
So cool! Really love this interview. Make me feel inspired to make the most of my wardrobe!
Plesh guys, glad you enjoyed it. I also found her answers so inspiring. I enjoyed doing this so much, I might do a few more. x
Thank you for all your lovely comments, and thanks Lauren for a fun interview! xxx
That was such a good interview! You came up with some very imaginative questions!
Thanks so much Rachel. Pop back soon because there's more coming up:)
What a great resource!
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