Skirt Thrifted Bag Thrifted at the SPCA Top Ancient 'Country Road'
Belt Primark (Thanks Pippa! Just saw Mr Price unpacking a bunch of these the other day.)
Sunnies Mr Price Shoes Mr Price (And a gift from Nadia - cheers Nads!) Hat Old 'Primark'
'Sup guys! I was going to wear the new pink dress but it has longish sleeves and today was just too hot to even attempt it. Instead, I pinned on (yes, pinned) this skirt which I got for a bargainous R5 the other day. How hilar does that sound - a skirt for R5. I must sound like the most cheap-skate blogger ever! Anyway, it's rather big on the waist (hence the hidden pins) so my mom is gonna fix it up for me or shall I say, she's gonna 'upcycle' it! All this thrifting jargon I gotta get to grips with. x