Wednesday, February 3

500 Days of Summer

I was so looking forward to watching this film. Many of my friends said it was just wonderful and Sandra blogged that it hit a nerve and I was hoping to have a similar reaction. For years, people told me I would love Amelie and when I finally watched it, it was better than I ever expected. But with 500 Days, I didn’t feel much at all, really. I thought, perhaps I am becoming too cynical or disillusioned with movies but then the night before, I was tearing up and cracking up at ‘Funny People.’

I don’t know, maybe it’s to do with where I am in my life right now but the film just didn’t resonate with me. I won't bang on about the things that bothered me although I will say the clothes are absolutely beautiful. So many bows and pretty pastel dresses. I also liked the ‘Reality’ vs. ‘Expectation’ technique made use in the film. I don’t think I’ve seen this done before and it worked brilliantly for it is so often the way we experience life – with a hope in our heads that’s often diluted in reality. A bit of a somber post, I know but an honest one at least.



Sharni said...

I totally agree! It sounded so good in theory.. great actors, msuic, dresses etc but I dunno maybe I wanted a happier ending.

p.s it's official.. I adore your blog, I have pretty much been reading it for hours and I literally don't even care too much for fashion or fashion blogs but yours, a delight! So thanks <3