Holler! So we've been living in our little cottage for just over a month already and I'm happy to report that I am no longer bursting into tears! In the past two weeks, I have befriended some store assistants {see this post!}, figured out what shops live where and I freak out every time we go for a walk because our hood is just so ridiculously picturesque. I would instagram every postbox and flower bed if my phone camera wasn't bust! It still cracks us up that we found such a cheap and cheerful rental in well, such a larny part of the world! That said - we have had a few, er, challenges. Our geyser burst on Saturday and after doing everything we could to mop up the mess, Jon suggested we take a drive to the Christmas Tree Farm. That's right, people. There is a farm here dedicated to Christmas Trees! Having been a city girl for the past ten years, this sorta stuff gets me seriously psyched. So we drove through the drizzle to visit the trees and picked out the handsome chap below who is now twinkling in our lounge. I cannot wait to get my nest on in the holidays!
In other news, I bought the necklace below from Checkers of all places {while spending a hideous amount of moolah on decorations}, and got a Shellac manicure which I was helluva skeptical about. Shellac is a hard-wearing nail polish which is meant to last two weeks and so far, it's survived me dealing with a drowned cottage and hours of typing. Let's see if we make to the end of week two. Now, have you been? x