- Tall One has been staying with me while his place is being renovated. It's been the best! He's soooo easy and he steel-wools my pots CLEAN.
- He's also gotten me into the habit of getting up early. I HATE it for the first five minutes but then I'm ok. Guess this means I'm finally growing up!
- We've just had a long weekend in South Africa and it was utterly dreamy. I did a mega flat sort out and Instagrammed everything!
- Photography is a never-ending education. I am trying to learn about the printing side of things at the moment and that shiz is technical. Anyway, I really wanna keep learning so I can do something with this hobby one day.
- Autumn has arrived! It's my fave time of the year. Tall One and I are planning a trip to the Midlands to crunch through the colourful leaves.
- We are going to the car boot market soon to flog a bunch of stuff which I'm dead excited for.
And that's all I can think of. Chat soon. x